Sensor measurements:
- CO2: from 400 ppm to 5000 ppm which is within the expected range for buildings,
- VOC: Total volatile organic compounds from 0 ppb to 1200 ppb,
- RGB-W: basic colour specter which affects people,
- temperature: +- 0.3C as a key parameter of comfort,
- humidity: +-2% Relative humidity – very important during heating season because of risk of dry air or developing mold,
- noise: also a very important factor of environment quality.

Microclimate in buildings has got a big effect on the health and thinking abilities of individuals as we spend 90% of our time indoors.
The advantages of a healthy and efficient environment are better thinking capabilities (up to 21%), at least 5% higher work productivity and a 10% lower sickness absence.
Because we couldn’t find a suitable solution to measure and analyze microclimate in buildings, we developed our own. The fruit of our research and development is a sensor which measures CO2 and VOC (volatile organic compounds) concentrations, temperature, humidity, noise and light. With addition to that it offers connectivity to our system in the cloud and data capture via Modbus protocol.
Studies have shown that CO2 can affect people at a concentration as low as 600 ppm (parts per million). At 1600 ppm the productivity of office work is reduced by 5% and at 2500 ppm thinking abilities are lowered by 21% on average.
Any exposure to VOC represents a potential cancer risk which grows with the concentration. According to World Health Organization, VOC concentration should not exceed 100 ppb (parts per billion), otherwise you would be risking long term health effects.
Background noise can reduce a person’s concentration levels by 66%. Lowering background noise so enables better work productivity over longer periods of time.
The main conclusions of studies are that the air quality in buildings isn’t good which results in a negative effect on the economy. Conditions got worse with energy renovation of buildings because they got more air-tight. That is why measuring conditions of indoor environment is becoming more and more important. In addition to that, it enables us to save energy and has a positive effect on the environment.